where white and yellow roses bloomed is cut into a labyrinthGepubliceerd: dinsdag 14 februari, 2017
Lords: Crista Snow Pigeon / Appearance Works: Diamond & Mirror On the plateau, surrounded by forests, the hedge where white and yellow roses bloomed is cut into a labyrinth, a castle appearing on the way past a large garden. The site combining the castle and the garden is in a diamond shape when viewed from the sky, the interior of the castle based on white and color is full of diamond motifs, luxurious Devil May Cry Kostuums Maids wear a white apron and a shinyon cover type cap on the uniform decorated with a yellow diamond based on black. When staying in the hero's Diamond Castle, the cut worn while working on the same clothing will climb. Soldiers are marked with numbers allocated to their chests, and small swords are basic equipment. Bobcat, both men and women trimmed in patsun, is mechanically toneless in intonation. Lords: Jericho-Bermuda / Appearance Works: Diamond & Mirror On the left side of the back is a desolate cemetery, on the right is an art museum, a place with the common name of the grave protectorate. The cemetery is not a burial of residents of this world without remains of the bodies, it contains the remains of the dead, and the tomb vandalism aimed at them from the superstition has been steadily going on. The museum exhibits a number of rare paintings, such as fragrances, motifs, things to put in themselves, and the most popular is "to catch up to the desire time". It is packed every day, and a long line is always lined up at the entrance. On the roof of the museum there is a square monument like a block and a mysterious waterfall circling around the corner, but in Jericho's intention of trick art also in the space for officials' officials, monograms hidden from birds and the like Tiles and the like are used. The stable inside of the territory which is well prepared for the attack is stable, and from the person who has the ability to be comprehended by Jericho 's honor, unlike other terror - dominating lords, the ruler loves Jericho with a nice franchise. The art museum staff dressed in elegant suits of both men and women are scarce, and are always underutilized Anime Nederland Lords: Nightmare = Gottschalk / Appearance Works: Diamond & Mirror In the country of diamonds, it is the red brick building station boasting the best territory. Not only the home of many locomotives but also the shopping mall where the ceiling changes colors according to the time zone, the large elevator hall, the stations and dining halls of the station staff are built in the wide premises as well. The train that takes the residents to the place where they should go is not displayed at the destination, so it is dangerous to ride while getting lost, so at first the hero refuses to stay. Although a young Nightmare has served as a station manager a little seriously, accidents have been constantly occurring due to the large number of train entrance and exit, and accidents have already become a daily event. But many users, it is a success. Boris who settled before unexpectedly served as a mechanic, and Gray was already almost familiar. For the station staff, "Diamond" was mostly blond hair men who tightened the orange tie of the line pattern and gave the white flag rounded to the waist to the gray suit of orange fringing. However, from the "mirror" to the gray connection of orange fringe, as a mechanic in the form of a cap and leather gloves, a receptionist in the station central side of the station a counter staff Dragon Nest Kostuums |